Our Ethos
Is to offer opportunities for all children to learn & develop naturally in a safe, caring, stimulating environment, where the whole child & their family feel like a valued member of the setting.
We aim to create opportunities in which our children are in charge of their own learning. We aim to ensure all children ​ are allowed to explore, develop their own thoughts, ideas, and identities & to ensure curiosity is an innate drive in children, to explore and find out information and knowledge.
Preparing our children for life not just the next part of their educational journey.

Our educators continue to be inspired and excited about Early Years Education therefore, allowing them to unleash their inner child and see a child’s world through new wondrous eyes.
We will strive to create beautiful, inspirational play spaces for children in order to feed their curiosity, creativity and to spark ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’.
We will endeavour to ensure that every child in our nurseries will be given the same opportunities to gain the essential knowledge to be educated citizens.
Using quality toys, natural materials, loose parts & authentic resources in order to provide open ended play opportunities supporting children to develop their skills & knowledge in all 7 Areas of Learning covered in OFSTED Early Year Foundation Stage Guidance (EYFS).
We will ensure that all children’s development needs are planned for on an individual basis & that our 'Provocations to Play' will record how the educator is going support the children's next stages of their development & that our 'Invitations to Learn' will support the child’s curiosity or entice the children to further exploration and investigation.
Our parents will be made to feel welcome to engage in their children’s learning at any opportunity.

In order to monitor the impact of our children’s Early Years Education we will observe our happy, confident & inquisitive learners as well as ensuring each child makes significant progress depending on their individual ability. We track a child's holistic progress termly & we will seek support, advice & guidance for any child who may require extra support with their learning with the consent & involvement of parents every step if the way. The nursery will use additional sources of monitoring in line with that if the Local Education Authority if it has been ascertained to have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).
We work in partnership with local schools to share information about a child’s development when they are ready to move in in their next stage of education.
Regular updates & records of 'Teachable Moments' are send home for parents to store in a Nursery Memory folder which is provided by the nursery upon enrolment. This way you can look back on your child's memories of their education journey as a family in years to come.

We believe that children benefit most from Early Years Education and Care when parents work together in partnership with childcare providers, as we all know that parents are their child’s first educator. All children should be able to play and learn in an environment full of opportunities with adults who understand and care about the whole needs of the child & their family. It is our aim to ensure that all parents feel confident in being involved in their child’s development whilst at nursery & we heavily support parents who wish to visit the nursery, participate in activities or wish to discuss their child’s progress. We are committed in building a two-way, professional relationship with parents in an atmosphere of honesty & mutual respect.
We have an 'Open Door Policy' for our parents, where they are welcome at any time to Stay & Play or speak to their child's Key Person. We also encourage siblings & grandparents to take part in planned activates & outings in order to integrate nursery into the family unit.
We support our parents to become more familiar with the nursery & the staff who will be caring for their child by offering FREEsettling in sessions. Your Childcare Manager can discuss these sessions with you when you register. We activity encourage that you spend time with your child at the nursery, so you child see's that you are also comfortable in this new environment & see's that you have 'relationships' with the adults at their new nursery.